In The Mist Of The Storm
The Lord spoke to me, my daughter go outside and pray, so I did, The Lord is my Light and my Salvation and Him I will put my trust, seek my face says the Lord seek me, come and talk with me, I will show you mysteries in the heaven, so I looked up to the sky and a mighty storm was coming my way, and I heard a voice in the thunder, do not be afraid I am with you through the storm, bless is the man who trusts in Me. I will teach you the truth of Yahweh, keep your tongue from evil and desire and keep peace, my eyes are upon you Tanya, and I have delivered you from all your troubles. I felt the Lord blowing a mighty strong wind and I turned my face towards it, the breath of the Lord was so sweet like flowers in a sanctuary, oh I never felt anything like it before, His presence was so strong I almost fell down, I looked up and leaves were falling from this tree, and the thunders kept roaring and speaking to me, I could hear Him saying these leaves are golden and they are the healing of the nations, they kept falling right into my hands, and lightning broke the sky with an splendor light, and I marveled, and the voice kept speaking to me saying: shout Maranatha, come Lord come, and I shouted to the mountain tops, Maranatha, Maranatha, Maranatha, Yahweh is here. He comes to bring His glory. And I said why me Lord why did you choose me? He said you are my chosen vessel and no one will ever hurt you again in my churches, I will be here till the storm is past, till the pain has gone, and I will take you to another place, I am the one the opens doors, I am Your Abba Father and there is not another but me, I am Jehovah Shalom Your peace. I heard your prayers since you were a little girl in Salvador, yes I have chosen you and the enemy will never hurt you again just keep your eyes on me, I will give you visions and you will tell my people. I could not even open my eyes and a soft rain came down and brought refreshing, I could hear the Thunder and the Lord’s voice saying: This is the healing rain that I will pour over this world, no evil should come near, and I did not want to leave His presence, and He said, I will be with you wherever you go and you will dance in my spirit, and no one will stop you again, dance my daughter dance, you are the one that prayed and lightning shook the air, Intercession prayers are mine.
When you took care of the widows and orphans and fed the poor all by yourself, for there was no one to help or give you money. I felt the pain when the darkness came around you and took you away to almost death. I was always with you. No more consent, the darkness will never touch you again the brokenness and suffering, now is the time to be free. Bring your offering of Praise to me, present your body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto Me. Praise Me, a consuming fire will burn, and many angels will you see. There was lighting all around me and did not harm me, I had no fear because Jesus was with me, water, lightning, thunder and fire from heaven, falling upon Daytona a mighty wind and I heard the Lord say in an awesome thunder, Second Chapter of Acts remember the Upper Room? Was there where I designed my cross, now in the mist of thunders and you had no more fear I will stamp that cross on your forehead till the days you leave here. No mark but mine will be on you and your children and grandchildren. My legs were trembling, and shaking, I was so weak in my flesh but my spirit was so strong I could climb mountains and surf all day long. I love You my Lord God of heaven and earth, I want to be in Your presence forever, now I am waiting, longing to hear more from You, to be in Your presence, to feel Your perfume all over me. I found in you the Joy of my salvation, everlasting joy. Alleluia, the Lord Almighty reigns, today I proclaim the Kingdom of our God on earth. Jesus Christ the king came to save His people, heal them and take them home. Hosanna Glory in the Highest.